Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Solidarite's Amazing Billboard

Dear Solidarite,

As I have admitted in some of my past blogs I love innovative out of home creative and this is unlike anything I have ever seen before. Not sure how it could translate for other brands but is definitely worth sharing.

Solidarité from La Boite Concept on Vimeo.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Endangered Lego

Dear Lego,

Its not really advertising related but I thought that this story was too cool not to share. Lego Artist Sean Kenney was asked to recreate 34 endangered species to be put on display at the Philadelphia Zoo (and is expected to visit other Zoos throughout the summer) to help teach children about endangered species. Check out some of the work:


Monday, April 12, 2010

The 'Power' of Old Spice

Dear Old Spice,

I just saw the latest run of 'Power' viral spots and I am loving what Old Spice has been doing of late. Enjoy
